Available Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Resources to Place Homeless Veterans at High-Risk of COVID-19
The Department of Veterans Affairs released guidance on the availability of SSFV resources to place homeless Veterans at high-risk of COVID-19. The SSVF Program is able to place homeless Veteran households in emergency housing (hotels and motels) for up to 45 days pending placement into permanent housing.
For the next 30 days, starting from March 17, 2020, or until funding is exhausted, SSVF will be modifying guidance it provides to grantees around these emergency housing placements. (Typically, such placements can only occur when no other appropriate Health Care for Homeless Veterans Residential, Grant and Per Diem, or community shelter bed is available)
SSVF grantees will now be allowed to offer emergency housing placements even if other temporary housing options are available if those options would place high-risk Veterans into congregate living environments. High-risk Veterans would include those
Veterans over the age of 60 and/or
Veterans with significant underlying health problems. (particularly those with a weakened immune system or health problems that impact lung function)
It is important to note that such temporary housing placements are only available to eligible, homeless Veteran households enrolled in SSVF who need placement into permanent housing.
Veterans who are symptomatic with COVID-19 should not be referred for these emergency housing placements as SSVF grantees do not have the capacity to place and adequately monitor such patients.
Funding for this emergency housing is very limited. It is critical that VA medical centers actively engage area SSVF grantees to understand available capacity and work collaboratively to prioritize referrals for such emergency housing placements.
QUESTIONS Please contact Mr. John Kuhn, National Director, SSVF Program by email at John.Kuhn2@va.gov.