As a convener of best practices and an organization charged with tearing down silos to continuously refine a nationwide Federal response to this pressing social problem, USICH missed the opportunity to do just that. The revamp of a strategic plan presents a unique opportunity to refine evidence-based practices, reset priorities to serve key populations, and create opportunities to realign government resources in support of those priorities. Instead, this proposed shift would realign resources away from proven strategies rooted in a poor understanding of how inflow into homelessness and other systems can impact the number of people who are homeless on any given day. Orienting the response toward widely-accepted, evidence-based practices including housing first and bringing funding to scale on key federal programs, including HUD-VASH, SSVF, and GPD has led to decreases in veteran homelessness in the last decade. Putting housing first in no way precludes other services and in fact improves veteran outcomes in other services. NCHV will continue to push for smart solutions to end veteran homelessness, including population-specific solutions to meet veteran needs.