Millions in Transitional Housing Rehab Grants Just Announced
March 23, 2022
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that it is awarding 36 capital grants, totaling approximately $64.7 million, to community organizations under VA’s Grant and Per Diem program to improve the quality of housing options for Veterans experiencing homelessness.
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) applauds VA’s investment in this critical intervention. The Department saw additional need beyond initial rounds of funding awarded and acted proactively to meet the need. The new awards will allow grantee organizations to construct new buildings and renovate existing transitional housing facilities that provide more than 900 non-congregate transitional housing beds nationwide for homeless Veterans.
“The Grant and Per Diem program fills a targeted role in VA’s evidence-based approach to preventing and ending homelessness by ensuring Veterans facing housing crises have safe and healthy accommodations during their path to permanent, stable housing,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “These grants allow VA, alongside community partners, to amplify efforts to reduce homelessness and to protect the dignity of our most vulnerable Veterans.”
“NCHV applauds VA on the release of this second round of capital grants,” said Kathryn Monet, CEO, NCHV. “This investment has been sorely needed, and NCHV looks forward to continued partnership with Congress and the Administration to ensure that essential transitional housing stock can be renovated to improve program safety for veterans.