May 29, 2012
The American Bar Association Commission on Homelessness and Poverty and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans are hosting a free training July 13-15, 2012 in San Diego titled “Homeless Court at Stand Down: A Collaborative Effort to Assist Homeless Veterans, Strengthen Communities and Maximize Court Resources.”
The training will take place during the actual San Diego Stand Down event, and participants will witness the Homeless Court as it takes place.
On the first day, participants will observe the different stages of the Homeless Court process which include: the clerk’s station, the prosecutor’s station, the defender’s station, and the Stand Down community. Participants will meet representatives of each stage of Homeless Court, learn about their role, and the process of each stage. On the second day, participants will observe the Homeless Court in session. On the third day of the event, participants will engage in a Homeless Court Program training session aimed at providing a review of the weekend and answering questions from observers. This session will also include discussion of development of Homeless Court at Stand Down and what resources are needed to replicate the program in participants’ communities.
For more information, click here. To register, please FAX the registration form to (202) 638-3844 (ATTN: Jinny Choi) or scan and email the form to For questions, please call Steve Binder at (619) 338-4708 or email