July 24, 2017
The current state of the field has shown us and our partners that we need better data and insight on the needs of vulnerable and high-risk families, especially female heads of household. We have some data around serving veterans in these groups, but even this data is limited.
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans has partnered with Synchrony Financial to assess the contributing factors to housing instability among women and women veterans with children and the barriers that can hinder their ability to find resolution to move their lives forward. The information you provide us will be extremely valuable and will be used to advocate for services to better serve women and women veterans with children experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified back to you will remain strictly confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. At the end of the survey, you will be able to opt in or out of providing your contact information if you consent to survey providers contacting you at a later date if there is a need for follow-up information.
Please take a few moments to help us by completing the survey found here. Thank you for your time, and for all you do to help veterans in your community!