NCHV TA Center Training on SSVF and HVRP

WASHINGTON – On April 4, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. EDT, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) Technical Assistance Center will host “Leveraging HVRP and SSVF to Create Positive Employment Outcomes.” This Level II Training Webinar will include overviews of both programs’ assets and intensive detail on enrollment processes, housing stability resources, and legal services from grantees and program experts.

Download presentation slides here.

Watch the presentation here.

Participants will learn the major complementary features of both programs from John Kuhn, SSVF Director, and Baylee Crone, NCHV Technical Assistance Director. Organizations with both Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) grants will discuss coordinated case management and enrollment processes, methods for ensuring housing stability as a support for employment placement, and removing legal barriers to employment through SSVF.

HVRP grantees can strategically partner with local SSVF grantees and leverage the assets of co-located SSVF programs to support employment and housing placement. Organizations that anticipate applying for HVRP funds for program year (PY) 2013 and existing grantees that will re-compete for funds are encouraged to participate.

Objectives of this training include:

Educate staff members on HVRP and SSVF core services, mission, and eligibility to inform referral processes and coordinated case management.

Provide staff members with clear steps for working with HVRP/SSVF to provide training and employment services to veterans who are eligible for both programs.

Educate HVRP grantees on the allowable services through SSVF that can help remove barriers to employment.

Assist HVRP grantees in working productively with VA partners operating Housing First program models for rapid stabilization and placement in permanent housing.

For additional questions, please contact Baylee Crone at or 202-546-1969.