May 20, 2013
The Department of Labor Veterans Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) has announced the availability of funds for the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) Homeless Female Veterans and Veterans with Families Reintegration Program (HFVVWF) for Program Year (PY) 2013. Approximately $5 million is available to fund 16 grants ranging from $100k to $300k. Applications are due June 14, 2013.
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) will hold two separate teleconferences for new applicants (May 22) and existing grantees (May 23) to provide information on the Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) for HFVVWF.
Please see below for teleconference descriptions and registration information — each call is targeted to a different audience.
1. “HFVVWF: New Applicants”
Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. EDT
2. “HFVVWF: Current Grantees and HVRP Staff”
Thursday, May 23, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. EDT
1. HFVVWF: New Applicants
On Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at 3 p.m. EDT, NCHV will host a teleconference on the HFVVWF program and application process for new applicants. This introductory teleconference will focus on the objectives of HVRP, critical components of successful programs, and application requirements. Baylee Crone, NCHV Vice President of Operations and Programs, will lead this discussion.
Participants in this training are seeking an introduction to HVRP overall, to the HFVVWF program, and to the application process. Participants will likely include:
Applicants that have not previously been awarded HVRP or HFVVWF funds
New applicants that have not previously applied for HVRP or HFVVWF funds
Partners of HVRP and HFVVWF programs, including SSVF, GPD, CoC grantees, and others
TO REGISTER FOR CALL #1: Please send the following information to
Organization Address:
E-mail Address:
You will receive an auto-response with the log in information.
2. HFVVWF: Current Grantees and HVRP Staff
On Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 3 p.m. EDT, NCHV will host a teleconference on the HFVVWF program and application process, focusing primarily on the changes to the SGA, for returning applicants and current grantees. This teleconference will give an overview of the necessary program components and application requirements. Baylee Crone, NCHV Vice President of Operations and Programs, will lead this discussion.
Participants in this training are seeking clarification on changes and program requirements and will include:
Current HFVVWF grantees
Current HVRP grantees interested in applying for HFVVWF
Staff members of current HVRP or HFVVWF grantees interested in learning more about the HFVVWF program
TO REGISTER FOR CALL #2: Please send the following information to
Organization Address:
E-mail Address:
You will receive an auto-response with the log in information.
For additional questions, please contact Baylee Crone at