The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is conducting a series of focus groups to discuss the Grant and Per Diem (GPD) program with both participants, and those who were offered, but declined this intervention. With more conversation surrounding GPD participation, the opportunities and challenges, barriers to utilization, and ongoing program modernization, it is critical to understand the perspectives of veterans with lived expertise in housing instability.
Round 2 of our focus groups will be conducted throughout July, and we plan to include veterans in all regions of the country, including U.S. territories. We are hoping to create an environment where veterans can talk freely about their experiences.
We are interested in views on:
- How and why veterans choose if they will participate in GPD;
- How GPD program structure and housing facility layout impact participation;
- Aspects of local GPD programs that appeal to veterans
- Aspects of local programs that cause veterans to turn down GPD
- Pros and cons of program participation;
- and the experience veterans have at entry and exit from Grant and Per Diem facilities.
Interested veterans should complete this
participation form. The focus groups will be structured in a way that mixes veterans of all backgrounds, includes group conversation and the chance to talk directly to the interviewee, and prompted by a series of questions that require an open-ended response. Focus groups will be conducted using Microsoft Teams, and participants can join using a computer (with internet access) or by calling in.
The focus groups are expected to take about 90 minutes and veterans will be paid $90 for participating.