Sept. 6, 2017
The 2017 Appropriations Act provides $40 million in HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) funding that will support approximately 5,500 new HUD-VASH vouchers. HUD has released a notice to identify public housing agencies (PHA) with interest in receiving new HUD-VASH awards. These vouchers will be administered in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and enable homeless veterans and their families to access affordable housing with an array of supportive services.
This year HUD seeks to award tenant-based HUD-VASH to self-identified, interested PHAs based on local need. Awards will follow a two-step process: 1) PHAs will respond to this Notice with an email and a VA Letter of Support (Registration of Interest), 2) Based on a need formula, registered PHAs that are selected will receive an invitation to apply for a specific number of HUD-VASH vouchers. This means that PHAs must respond to this Notice to be considered
for a HUD-VASH award. All HUD-VASH awards can be converted to PBV at any time after award without notice to HUD, consistent with FR-5976-N-03 (HOTMA).
To read the full notice with all of the requirements, click here.