Nov. 30, 2016
The National Veterans Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC) is hosting the webinar “Making Use of the Federal Bonding Program with Veterans in HVRP” on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
The Federal Bonding Program (FBP) is a national resource through the U.S. Department of Labor that provides employers a job-hire incentive that guarantees the job honesty of at-risk job seekers. A recent survey of a small sample of HVRPs across the country found that 70 percent of the programs know about the FBP, but only one has helped a homeless veteran make use of a bond to secure employment. What is your experience? In this webinar we provide an overview of the FBP and talk about the experience in Florida where last year 350 Bonds were approved. Lastly, we will explore ways to effectively use the FBP with HVRP participants.
The webinar will feature Tom Villanova, Union Insurance Group and Nikki Brown, FL Bond Coordinator, Department of Economic Opportunity, as guest speakers and will be facilitated by John Rio, MA, CRC, from the National Veterans Technical Assistance Center (NVTAC).
TO REGISTER FOR “Making Use of the Federal Bonding Program with Veterans in HVRP” go to and complete the registration form.
You will receive instructions for joining the training when you register. For additional questions, please contact Maddie Goldstein at