Jan. 23, 2017
The opioid epidemic in the United States has had a profound and deadly impact. Opioid use disorders are particularly hard on veterans who are homeless or at risk for being homeless, where prevalence of mental health conditions and substance misuse is high and access to health care often problematic.
The National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans has explored this issue with Homeless Programs Office leaders and experts on substance use disorders and homelessness to develop a set of policy recommendations designed to complement ongoing Veterans Health Administration efforts in mental health and primary care. The rationale and caveats for these recommendations will be presented and discussed during this webinar roundtable on Feb. 2, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.
Moderated by Center Director Dr. Thomas O’Toole, the event will provide an opportunity for a wider vetting of the issues and set the stage for future education and training of staff who work directly with veterans affected by the opioid epidemic.
Join the meeting online at http://va-eerc-ees.adobeconnect.com/hers/, or call 800-767-1750 and use access code 70207# for the audio