- Hill Watch: “Funding Process Delayed Again” (Jan. 1)
- Hill Watch: “NCHV Testifies, Funding Process Delays” (Jan. 26)
- Hill Watch: “Congress Releases Omnibus Spending Bill for FY 2018” (Mar. 22)
- Policy and Legislative Update: “Big News for VA, Funding, and Changes at the NCHV Annual Conference” (Apr. 3)
- Policy and Legislative Update: “Passage of Veterans Bill and Funding at Year End” (Jan. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Update: “Trump Administration Releases Budget Proposals for FY 2018” (Mar. 1)
- Hill Watch: “Appropriations Deadline News” (Apr. 11)
- Hill Watch: “Congressional Leadership Reaches Deal for FY 2017 Spending” (May 1)
- Hill Watch: “Final FY 2017 Budget and the American Health Care Act” (May 8)
- Hill Watch: “Homeless Veterans Prevention Act of 2017” (May 17)
- Hill Watch: “FY 2018 Presidential Budget Released” (May 23)
- NCHV Comments to GPD Proposed Regulations (Sept. 21)
- Operation Main Street: Social Media Toolkit (Nov. 9)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “The Second Session of the 114th Congress” (Feb.1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Get Involved with National Advocacy at the Annual Conference!” (Apr.1 )
- NCHV Advocacy Team Webinar – “Talking to Congress: Advocating for Homeless Veterans” (May 5)
- NCHV Annual Conference Public Policy Sesson Slides (Jun. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Congressional Support for Appropriations Secured” (Jun. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Congressional Recess” (Sept. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Appropriation Season Meets Election Season” (Nov. 1)
- Hill Watch: Congress Considering Passage of Veterans Bill with Homelessness Provisions (Dec. 6)
- Hill Watch: Congress Passes Veterans Bill with Homelessness Provisions (Dec. 12)
- For Current GPD Grantees: GPD NOFA Published (Dec. 23)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Budgetary Agreement and Policy in 2015” (Feb. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: President’s Budget, Eligibility, and HUD-VASH for Native American Veterans (Apr. 1)
- Policy and Legislative Update: House Appropriations for FY 2016 (May 1)
- NCHV Board of Directors Letter to VA Sec Robert McDonald on HUD-VASH (June 2)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Support in the Senate, and Setting up a Hill Visit” (July 1)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: “Appropriations and the Annual Conference” (Sept. 1)
- “Guidance in Preparing for Potential Changes to GPD” (Dec. 15)
- Budget Update: The effect of the “cromnibus” on homeless veteran programs (Dec. 15)
- Policy Update: Supreme Court hears case with possible impact on homeless veterans (Dec. 10)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: First to Second Session of 113th Congress (Jan. 2)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: Budget Season (May 30)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: Appropriations Begin for FY 2015 (June 30)
- Policy and Legislative Updates: Budget Uncertainty and Flat Re-authorizations (Nov. 1)
- House Passes FY 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill (June 10)
- President’s FY 2014 Budget Includes Record Funding for Homeless Veteran Programs (April 11)
- Legislative Update: Sequestration Spares All but One Homeless Veteran-Specific Program (March 26)
- Policy & Legislative Update: Is the Five-Year Plan to End Veteran Homelessness Working? (Jan. 22)
- President’s Message: Veteran Housing, Securing Service Capacity (Jan. 22)
- Policy & Legislative Update: Contentious Issues Remain for the 112th Congress (Nov. 2)
- NCHV Publishes Reports on Member Survey, Concerns Identified at Annual Conference (Oct. 4)
- Bill to Reauthorize, Improve Critical Homeless Veteran Programs Signed into Law (Aug. 7)
- Senate Passes Bill to Reauthorize, Improve Critical Homeless Veteran Programs (July 19)
- Highlights from the 2012 NCHV Annual Conference (July 9)
- Appeal to Leadership to Preserve, Advance the Five-Year Plan (May 7)
- FY 2013 Budget Keeps America on Track to End Veteran Homelessness by 2015 (Feb. 27)
- Gearing Up for 2012 – The “Critical” Year (Feb. 8)
- 11,000 New Permanent Supportive Housing Vouchers for Veterans Signed into Law (Dec. 9)
- Recommendations for Homeless Veteran Programs: President’s FY 2013 Budget (Nov. 4)
- President Signs Bill Reauthorizing Major Homeless Veteran Programs (Oct. 19)
- FY 2012 NCHV Policy Priorities (May 12)
- Final FY 2011 Appropriations Bill Restores New HUD-VASH Vouchers (April 12)
- Congressional Letter to Restore New HUD-VASH Vouchers in FY 2011 (March 30)
- Press Conference on FY 2011 HUD-VASH Funding (March 10)
- House Cuts 10,000 New Housing Vouchers for Homeless Veterans in FY 2011 (March 1)
- 111th Congress Recap (Dec. 28)
- Little Time, Uncertainty Remain for Congressional Action (Nov. 2)
- New Law Authorizes Program for Homeless Women Vets, Homeless Vets with Children (Oct. 19)
- VA, HUD Appropriations Bills Pass Full House of Representatives (Aug. 27)
- Senate, House Appropriations Committees Approve Record Homeless Veterans Funding (July 22)
- Two Major Veteran Homelessness Bills Await Senate Action (June 10)
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittees Address HUD-VASH, Veteran Homelessness (May 21)
- H.R. 4810 Passes House, SVAC Holds Hearing on Ending Veteran Homelessness (March 25)
- Second Session Starts Strongly (March 8)
- Closing Out the First Session (Jan. 24)
- Homeless Veterans Bills Advance on Capitol Hill (Oct. 23)
- 111th Congress First Session (Oct. 8)
- Legislative Update (Aug. 27)
- FY 2010 Budget (June 25)
- FY 2009 Appropriations (May 6)
- Veteran Homelessness Prevention Platform (March 23)
- Public Policy Action (Feb. 26)
- Congress Passes Stopgap Spending Measure and VA Health Legislation (Oct. 7)
- House Passes Homes for Heroes Act of 2008 (Sept. 9)
- Congress Begins Work on FY 2009 Appropriations (Aug. 1)
- Congress Begins Work on FY 2009 Budget (April 10)
- Public Policy Action (Dec. 30)