Families and individuals experiencing homelessness are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Preparing for COVID-19’s impact on the unsheltered is of utmost importance. Please use these resources from our partners to help prepare. 
This page may be updated as additional resources become available.  

The Department of Veterans Affairs

Guidance on the availability of SSFV resources to place homeless Veterans at high-risk of COVID-19


VA Caregiver Support: Learn how you can protect, prepare and support yourself and your Veteran loved one through these challenging times with tips on Caregiving During COVID-19

SAMHSA Guide: COVID-19 Guidance for Opioid Treatment Programs

Grant and Per Diem Program CARES Act: Per Diem Rate Waiver

Per Diem Rate Waiver Webinar Slides

COVID-19 guidance for VA home loans

Grant and Per Diem Progam: Per Diem Rate

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC’s Interim guidance for homeless service providers

CDC Interim Guidance: Responding to COVID-19 among People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness 

CDC Interim Guidance: For Homeless Service Providers to Plan & Respond to COVID-19 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Interim guidance for Homeless Service Providers

Office Hours: COVID-19 Planning and Response for Homeless Assistance Providers – Fridays at 2:30 PM EDT

HUD Toolkit: Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Encampments 

HUD Webinar: Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers & their Partners

Infectious Disease Toolkit for CoCs 

Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease for People Experiencing Homelessness

Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Shelters 

Disease Risks and Homelessness 

COVID-19 Office Hours for ESG State Recipients

COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Landlord Engagement


The Internal Revenue Service: Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info” tool

National Healthcare for Homeless Council Issue Brief: COVID-19 & the Healthcare for Homeless Community (Needed Policy Responses) 

SBA Paycheck Protection Program

U.S. Department of Labor – COVID-19 Dislocated Worker Grants

Yale Program in Addiction: Guidance for People Who Use Substances on COVID-19

Catholic Charities USA: Guidelines for Providing Case Management and Disaster Case Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mental Health America: Mental Health and COVID-19 – Information and Resources

National Partners

USICH: Webinar-Operating Isolation and Quarantine Facilities and Providing Medical, Behavioral Health, and Substance Use Treatment.

NAEH: COVID-19 Webinar Series 

NAEH: COVID Federal Resource Guidelines Series

NLIHC FAQ: COVID-19 and Racial Equity 

National Labor Exchange Job Bank

NLIHC: Advocacy: Tips on getting FEMA Assistance

NAEH: A Framework for COVID-19 Homelessness Response: Responding to the Intersecting Crises of Homelessness and COVID-19

NLIHC: Coronavirus Relief Fund Factsheet

NCHV Resources

Partner Chat w/ The Baltimore Station

Partner Chat w/ Maritz Global Events Inc.  – one-page questionnaire

Advocacy Resources