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So far David Higgins has created 35 blog entries.

Policing- and punishment-based approaches: A really expensive way to make homelessness worse


Policing- and punishment-based approaches: A really expensive way to make homelessness worse The National Coalition for Housing Justice (NCHJ) is aligned behind seeking housing justice in order to end homelessness, including youth homelessness. The national organizations that make up the NCHJ represent advocates and leaders in national efforts to end homelessness. Today, the coalition released the following statement, condemning the ongoing use of law enforcement in response to visible homelessness and calling on the federal government to take steps to stop this harmful approach. Background: We can all agree that no one should be sleeping on sidewalks. So we [...]

Policing- and punishment-based approaches: A really expensive way to make homelessness worse2021-09-28T14:39:38+00:00

S.A.V.E. Suicide Prevention Resource


Fall is a busy time at NCHV. With the start of a new federal fiscal year comes a series of online trainings and meetings as well as high demand for technical assistance from service providers and federal grantees. In these busy times, it’s easy to get caught up in the work itself, methodically checking off items on the to-do list as we go. In our rush to house veterans, we may miss the individual veteran sitting right in front of us. Many of those veterans come to service providers with a range of mental health needs. Is the staff at [...]

S.A.V.E. Suicide Prevention Resource2021-09-01T19:48:34+00:00

NCHV explores Tiny Homes


Welcome to Tiny Homes Week! During this week (Aug 23-27), National Coalition for Homeless Veterans will be exploring Tiny Homes as an affordable housing option for veterans. We will share our research, which includes the background and potential uses for Tiny Homes, the pros and cons, the standard for what we would like to see in these communities, examples from established communities, and other considerations for anyone thinking about using this housing intervention. With this offering, it is not our intention to recommend this housing option over others. This week is simply a week of exploration into an innovative method of [...]

NCHV explores Tiny Homes2021-08-24T18:29:18+00:00

PAID survey opportunity for veterans who are, or have recently experienced homelessness


PAID survey opportunity for veterans who are, or have recently experienced homelessness. The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is conducting a series of focus groups to discuss the Grant and Per Diem (GPD) program with both participants, and those who were offered, but declined this intervention. With more conversation surrounding GPD participation, the opportunities and challenges, barriers to utilization, and ongoing program modernization, it is critical to understand the perspectives of veterans with lived expertise in housing instability. Round 2 of our focus groups will be conducted throughout July, and we plan to include veterans in all regions of the country, [...]

PAID survey opportunity for veterans who are, or have recently experienced homelessness2021-07-07T17:37:58+00:00

VA awards $418 million in grants to help Veterans and families at risk of homelessness


VA awards $418 million in grants to help Veterans and families at risk of homelessness The Department of Veterans Affairs awarded $418 million in grants to more than 260 non-profit organizations in June, allowing low-income Veteran families around the nation to access services under the Supportive Services for Veteran Families program. SSVF grantees are authorized to use the funds to rapidly re-house Veterans who become homeless or to prevent Veterans from becoming homeless. “As a result of VA’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families program and other housing assistance efforts, Veteran homelessness has been cut in half since the launch of 2010’s Federal Strategic Plan [...]

VA awards $418 million in grants to help Veterans and families at risk of homelessness2021-07-07T13:55:14+00:00
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